
“The build­ing plan review depart­ment appre­ci­ates the qual­ity of the plans that have been con­sis­tently sub­mit­ted, Con­sis­tently pro­vid­ing qual­ity plans…will facil­i­tate your approval process on a first sub­mit­tal approval.”

Michael L. Clack
CBO Chief Devel­op­ment Offi­cer
City of Scotts­dale Plan­ning and Devel­op­ment Ser­vices Department

“I have got­ten to know Erik and his firm well, first through sat­is­fied clients in the high-end res­i­den­tial club­house and hos­pi­tal­ity busi­ness who rec­om­mended him to our com­pa­nies. Sub­se­quently, he has per­formed out­stand­ing ser­vices for our com­pa­nies that included work on plans for an inno­v­a­tive vil­lage cen­ter for a 10,000-acre prop­erty. We have heard back from satisfied clients of his firm who called to thank us for refer­ring Erik to them.”

Phil Schnei­der
Vice Chair­man
The Lyle Ander­son Com­pany, Inc.

“My firm has com­pleted numer­ous projects with PHX Archi­tec­ture over the years, and it is always a plea­sur­able expe­ri­ence. My clients and staff are always happy with the process, infor­ma­tion, and atten­tion to the project.”

Tom Boos
Gen­eral Con­trac­tor
The Boos Group, LLC

“PHX Archi­tec­ture is one of the most pro­fes­sional archi­tec­ture groups in the val­ley. Their diverse port­fo­lio shows that they have mas­tered an array of archi­tec­tural styles. I would highly rec­om­mend their firm.”

Claire Ownby
Ownby Design

“We awarded PGA West Golf Club­house ren­o­va­tion to Erik based not only on his body of work but through two inter­views where our instincts sensed his con­fi­dence, energy level, com­mit­ment to project qual­ity, design integrity, bud­get, and sched­ule man­age­ment. We took a chance and he did not let us down. We suc­cess­fully opened this month for the Bob Hope Clas­sic, with a trans­for­ma­tional project, that has all our con­stituents ecsta­tic about the look and the prod­uct, and met all of our finan­cial and sched­ule objec­tives.”

Bill Tom
Senior Vice Pres­i­dent
Project Devel­op­ment and Tech­ni­cal Ser­vices

“It is hard to put a value on a trade part­ner. As a com­pany they have been sup­port­ive of the Sub­Zero Wolf appli­ance brands but through spec­i­fy­ing, mar­ket­ing together, and sup­port­ing each other on res­i­den­tial projects.”

Sub­Zero Wolf

“The PHX Archi­tec­ture team is unmatched! Great group of peo­ple who truly care about fine archi­tec­ture. It has been such a joy to work with them on so many pre­vi­ous projects. From res­i­den­tial to com­mer­cial, they seem to do it all.”

Sienna Cus­tom Win­dow & Door, LLC

“My expe­ri­ence with Erik has been on the Seven Canyons Golf Club­house, Mem­ber Casitas, Hill­side Vil­las, Range House and Park­ing Garage. Erik has an excel­lent back­ground and expe­ri­ence with upscale pri­vate golf clubs, and a thor­ough under­stand­ing of the needs and expec­ta­tions of the mem­bers and the devel­oper.”

Jeff Mar­ket
Senior Project Man­ager


“We sought an Archi­tect with sen­si­tiv­ity to the Ari­zona con­text, with impec­ca­ble design abil­ity…For­tu­nately for us, we found all those qual­i­ties in Erik Peter­son AIA and his team of archi­tects and con­sul­tants. We are very pleased with the project that they have care­fully and metic­u­lously crafted for us.”

Pri­vate Client

“Thank you for designing for us exactly the home we didn’t know we always wanted! We are delighted with the time­less con­tem­po­rary style you com­bined so skill­fully with com­fort and liv­abil­ity, both indoors and out. There is a view from every win­dow and some­thing to cap­ture the imag­i­na­tion in every room, and all within our build­ing bud­get. You are truly a mas­ter of your art, and we feel very for­tu­nate to have had the plea­sure of work­ing with you and your staff.”

John and Nora
Private Client

“I have worked with a few dif­fer­ent firms in the past, but never a group like PHX Archi­tec­ture. They lis­ten, com­mu­ni­cate, and exe­cute at the high­est level and do so in a very timely fash­ion. The qual­ity of the work on my project (and other projects of theirs I have seen) was extra­or­di­nary. Every­one that works there is incred­i­bly nice and highly qual­i­fied. I con­sis­tently and con­fi­dently rec­om­mend them to friends and col­leagues. Thanks for every­thing!”

Pri­vate Client

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